Our client, operating in the financial services sector, used their own website to generate interest in their services. The website also served as one of the first steps in the sales process (Upper Funnel).

After running the site for some time, the client noticed that the site is continuously underperforming in terms of achieving the goals set for it.

Using internal resources (inhousing), the team on the client side that was responsible for the website decided to introduce several modifications to the website to improve its performance. Unfortunately, they too did not bring the expected results.


After conducting inhouse activities, the client already knew that the way the website was designed and built was limiting the chances of achieving the set KPIs and was negatively affecting the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Previous attempts to study the quality of User Experience and improve it on their own had not yielded results. Shortly after being onboarded into the project, we identified, that the biggest challenge was the disrupted flow of users through the homepage, to which a great deal of traffic was being delivered.

Moreover, the site did not allow users to easily reach product forms and contact forms. These were often the pages where the user ended the visit without completing any businessrelevant action.


After analyzing the situation, we recommended using Website Experience Booster. Activities leading to the optimization of the website began with a thorough analysis of user behavior at each stage of their journey across the website up to leaving a lead.

We have also examined how users used the site and measured how often key events were carried out. This knowledge enabled us to design specific tests and different versions (A/B/…) of selected

Then we modified individual elements of the website and started to monitor changes in conversion rates.


The result of implementing the recommended changes was an increase in hits to product and contact pages by 22%.
We also noticed a correlation between this result and an increase in the number of confirmed, “hot” leads by 0.61 percentage points.

We learned which elements of the website caused interruptions to the conversion path, and which helped to make it happen.

The client received a readytouse, comprehensive structure for analyzing and reporting on user behavior on the site, and the website began to achieve its goals.

An additional benefit was the compilation of the knowledge gained in the in the project into a ‘Best Practices’ document and key lessons learned for use in designing future new websites.

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