Our client’s brand, a leader in the smartphone category, had a high level of brand image indicators (awareness, consideration, preference), it also stood out as being trustworthy and enjoyed a good reputation. This was also an example of wellrun multichannel communication.

However, the marketing and sales departments were concerned about the actions of competitors, which gradually caused the brand’s position to decline, its mental accessibility, image advantage over competitors and, in the long term, business growth prospects were declining.


In this situation, our client faced the challenge of not only maintaining its position, but also strengthening its image. The basic questions, were:

  • With multichannel communications optimized to the limit, how can we develop on dimensions that are already high?
  • How, with a multitude of messages and channels, can we gain knowledge of which ones affected the brand’s KPIs both at the level of the entire campaign, individual touchpoints, as well as their various
    combinations, and…
  • How do we put this knowledge into practice in future activities?


These needs of the client were answered by Full Communication Study a research solution providing unique knowledge about the impact of the campaign and its individual elements on brand KPIs.

Thanks to the designed series of measurements for 3 consecutive campaigns, after each of them, we provided specific recommendations of the most effective creative lines, also at the level of individual channels or the stage of the purchase funnel.

Based on the insights from each successive Full Communication Study, we advised on what to
intensify, what activities to limit and also what to pay attention to in future campaigns.


Within 3 quarters, the largest manufacturer of smartphones in Poland, implementing changes based on our recommendations, recorded increases from already high levels of indicators such as:

  • Top of Mind up by 3pp in the second wave of the survey and up by another 8pp in the third wave
  • Spontaneous Awareness was raised by 1pp in the second wave and by another 2pp in the next wave!
  • There was a significant improvement in brand image: after the third campaign (vs the second), our client’s brand gained increases on 4 key attributes.

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