Over the past few years, we have been experiencing a growing momentum in the development of technology, which translates into an increase in opportunities connected with the use and collection of data, especially in the area of digital marketing.

This trend, despite its obvious benefits, hides a number of challenges, such as the multiplicity of systems, their incompatibility, data silos as well as the need to build the right processes or acquire the right skills and competencies.

Our client was aware of the challenges and the need for change, standing in the way of full digital transformation and business success. However, they did not know how to manage the process in their organization, what initiatives to take, who to involve and what technologies to implement.


The challenge of the organization’s management, was not a lack of data or tools, but their definite excess. In practice, this translated into challenges arising in various areas of the company’s operations.

After purchasing numerous solutions, it was still a mystery to be solved, which particular solution was useful in which scenario. It was also a challenge to use the full range of data held by the company. Moreover, there was also a lack of appropriate processes and the structure of information flow was failing.

The large number of solutions owned also gave rise to challenges related to the lack of competences and skills to take full advantage of the purchased technology.


After analyzing the situation, we proposed the use of our Data Driven Transformation consulting approach. It allowed us to conduct an indepth audit of the situation, mapping of needs and expectations of the Board of Directors and key stakeholders, and identification of what the gap between expectations for the future and the current state.

During the process, we assessed the suitability and compatibility of the technologies and processes, determined the available skillset and identified directions for their development.

We also conducted a series of Design Thinking workshops for the client’s team, which focused on designing specific initiatives and solutions.


The result of the conducted process was the design of solutions and initiatives, that are a response to the key challenges of the client’s organization.
We also created an action plan (roadmap) and implementation of initiatives, which resulted in:

  • Preparing the client’s organization for a reality without 3rd party cookies.
  • Simplification and greater transparency of data and technology management processes.
  • A significant increase in the use of data in business decisionmaking and strategy planning.
  • Democratization of access to data and tools.

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